I am a professional copyeditor and proofreader. I mainly edit academic texts (especially in the areas of philosophy, history and languages), but I’m also available for fiction editing and texts revolving around sustainability, animal welfare or veganism.
I am an Intermediate Member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP). I want to ensure I give my clients the best service I can. This includes making sure I’m properly educated, so I have taken all three copyediting courses offered by the CIEP.
While I’m an avid reader, I don’t spend all my time on the couch. I also love to go for long walks with my dog, cooking/baking (and eating!) and playing boardgames or Dungeons & Dragons. I also recenty took up indoor climbing, which I simultaneously love and fear.
“Bianca and I have worked together for several years. She has been incredible in helping me prepare my academic publications, for her rigor, her philosophical insight, her punctuality, and, even more importantly, the encouragement she gave me while giving her professional opinion on my work. Not only is she a great proofreader, but also a great philosopher, and her philosophical eye often helped me to adjust my concepts and words and give them more clarity. Absolutely recommended! Honestly, the best editor I have encountered on my path so far!”
Dr. Irene Binini – Possibility and Necessity in the Time of Peter Abelard